Now might be a good time for us to launch a independent journalism forum. ➤

Now might be a good time for us to launch a independent journalism forum.

Now might be a good time for us to launch a independent journalism forum.

I had always dreamed about doing something like what vice and vox had done but in an independent fashion in Nepal. The shitposts and unprofessional-ism of “Independent journalism networks” like RONB has always bugged me. I got into understanding journalism. I want to do something like what Palki Sharma Upadhyay does but through social media handles and in text and picture format.

Rather than for money or fame. Our vision would be to report objective truths with reliable sources. My question is: how can we build this forum of anonymous contributors and have a well functioning organization. How would information verification work?, how can we build this?

Edit: Okay, if you say Palki Sharma Upadhyay is biased and all; I don’t care if she is biased or not, she might very well be. The thing I like about her is the conviction she has in her speech and if she uses it for propaganda, so be it but I want a forum where we use conviction for truth and if you think this is a stupid idea, don’t bother to comment but if you believe we can pull this off I would love to listen from you.

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