Anyone from Rukum/Dang? ➤

Anyone from Rukum/Dang?

Currently at Istanbul Airport, Turkey. Randomly met a group of nepali people. Kura gardai gardai uni haru le vane ki yo airport vitra baseko 40+ days vai sakyo,koi koi ta few months pani baschan re. vanchan america hinedeko and they said they paid 50-80lakhs but they seem very young most if them maybe 20-25 and they all say they are from rukum or dang. They didnt seem to be worried much, while living inside the airport for months

K khanchau ta airport vitra vanera sodeko , dalal le paisa haldincha re

There has to be a some sort of catch, its possible that someone is funding these people. Does anyone know anything about this? I gave them some money saying get something to eat but something seems ODD here.

Maybe someone from rukum or dang answer

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