Wearing Camouflage in Nepal ➤ Nep123.com

Wearing Camouflage in Nepal

I’m planning to visit Nepal soon and I want to make sure that I’m respectful of local sensitivities. My rucksack and some of my clothes are camouflage coloured and I want to know if it is acceptable to wear this in public in Nepal. The camouflage in question looks very different to Nepali military patterns. I don’t look like a member of a military and I would never try to represent myself as such, nor would I ever wear full camouflage. But I know that people in some countries have strong views on the acceptability of wearing any camouflage as a civilian. I don’t wish to cross a line or make anyone feel uncomfortable, so I’d like to hear some local Nepali perspectives on whether this might be an issue or not.

Thank you!

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